The Dance Of The Flame
By Ayasha Cantey
Every evening I light a candle, the flame watches me slowly and intently. Its
shadow dances around the room, while I sit encompassed in a book. It watches
as my eyebrows scrunch in confusion and despair. It notices that faint glimmer
in my eyes. It watches me….
How Did We Grow Apart?
By Erin Dunn
Twin pillars sitting on the carpet, backs pressed against beige walls, voices low and tears
suppressed. One begging the other to stay and to speak.
The boy tells the girl of that afternoon when their father took her away for a drive.
When alone, the boy and their mother sink their claws into one another. Brutal verbal
slashes, nothing the girl should have to hear. The boy tells her anyway….

Glowing Tree – Amelia Gaibor
The Farmer and the Wanderer
By Darren J. Del Duca
I was born in a small town in the Northeast, and for the first decade of my life, I was fascinated with every new thing I saw. I had become captivated when I saw my first train or when I learned in school that there were numbers that were less than zero. Though this childlike wonder lasted for only so long, my delusion of the world dwindled…
I’m Hungry
By Alyssa Ednie
I couldn’t stop. Needed to consume every morsel. Seized fistfuls of food. Stuffed handfuls of red sauced rigatoni.
Saw nothing, thought nothing, just a primal need to chew, eat everything.
I couldn’t stop…
Red light Green light
By Dorrian Stangel
“You left me!”
I shouted at Grace as I caught up to her at the end of the street. The moon had just emerged from the clouds, intertwining with the green light to illuminate the sidewalk. Grace glanced at me smiling, the light reflecting off her nose piercing and glasses as her blue faded strand of hair framed her face…
The Girl with No Name
By Jillian Reis
The girl walked among the clouds. They moved and shifted underneath her, becoming solid under her feet. She looked over the edge at the world below, the view over her hometown greeting her.
She couldn’t see but she knew it was her fifth birthday. Banners draped around the house with celebratory wishes for a little girl…