
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

Cycles- Katie Haig

After Todd Dillard and “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost

Leaves fall – the inside of an orange and red kaleidoscope.

A red wagon rolls gently down a tired road.

When did you get so tall?

Have I grown shorter?

A blue sled rests against a gray garage door.

Crystalline flakes drift to join the soft coat of white.

Snow melts in winding rivers as wildflowers open their eyes.

A silver bicycle reflects amber sunlight.

When did you get so smart?

Have I grown denser?

The door of a dented blue Jeep clicks closed.

Sunflowers reach for the sky in the heavy heat.

Green leaves wither to gold as autumnal breezes blow.

A rusty wagon is pulled from the garage.

When did we get so old?

