The transition from middle school to high school
is something that worries many pre-teens.
Trust me, it is scary, but I found my place.
I am a freshman at a high school
that is 30 minutes away from my house.
The name of the school is Notre Dame Prep.
Even though I was excited to give this school a try,
I was also scared of many things.
What would people think of me?
Would this school meet my expectations?
What if I didn’t “fit in”?
I struggled with these questions for many months.
Until it was time. The first day of school.
On that day, my English teacher told me not to be afraid,
and that high school is a fresh start.
With those two words, something changed inside of me that day. I realized
It didn’t matter where I came from.
It didn’t matter if I was a little immature during middle school
It didn’t matter if I was introverted or extroverted
Coming to this school allowed me to do whatever I pleased.
I can change myself for the better.
So, I decided to grow out of my shell and introduce myself to others.
I decided to care less about changing myself to fit in with everyone and showing up
every day, not caring about perfectness.
I chose Notre Dame because I wanted to learn.
To grow.
And to experience four years at this incredible school which will prepare me for the nextstep in my life.