“Open Your Eyes”
By Nate McKenna
Do you want to hear a secret?
Listen closely before I lose it
Close your eyes and hear my voice
Your dreams are not dreams, they are a choice…
“The Good Ones”
By Madison Conklin
Live for the good ones.
Whether that be a good day, a good location, a good person…
Live for the good ones.
Live for the days where it feels like it’s you against the world,
For the times where you see the beauty in everything…
“Symphony of Life”
By Kelly Parker
Who are you when the lights turn off and there is no longer an audience to watch the symphony that is your life? You are the conductor and the critic; it is up to you to choose the possibly perilous path. Do you take the harrowing high road, or do you choose the easy way and travel the low road? Are you satisfied with second best or are you always searching for that next test? …
“To Be Known and To Be Understood”
By Kelly Parker
People think they know you after they’ve seen you naked. But I don’t think that’s true. Sure, they know what you look like- bare as the day you were born- but they don’t truly know you. They don’t know that you stare into space and your eyes glaze over when the darkness inside you starts to overtake the light. They don’t know that you fidget with your necklace when your heart constricts your lungs and it beats faster than a hummingbird’s wings …

Oil on Canvas – Taylor Lyons
“Tug Of War”
By Jenna Siuta
It was love like no other
The kind that consumes you
All of you
But in the end,
It’s the one that hurts the most
It’s like a…
By Jenna Siuta
Why are you doing this?
I shouldn’t be used for harm
Though, I wouldn’t say good either
I wasn’t made for this
Or was I made for this
Take me away
Tell your friends …
By Bursa Kahraman
Crimson liquid bleeds onto my skin,
As he hands me seeds of the pomegranate,
The danger does not elude my wit,
But I feed on one for it tastes like medicine.
The delightful taste descends my throat…
By Ayasha Cantey
The blends of yellow, pink, and blue mixing in the sky
It’s subtle
It’s captivating
The way the light shimmers off the ocean floor
The liquid, It’s cold but free
I feel the waves mocking me…

Julia Fernandez
“Internal Narrative”
By Emily Callahan
I do not,
Into your eyes,
To see my own reflection.
Nor do I…
“Blown By the Breeze”
By Emily Callahan
The sound of your name,
Dances across my tongue.
Wrapped in your blanket,
Along the fire,
I see your smile…

Hummingbird By Sam Cunniff
By Hannah Schultz
By Hannah Schultz
she is timid
she is shy
she lacks self-confidence
…on the inside
brave face
in the race…

Rye bread
By Julianna Rezza
there is a part of me that always exists in that moment, wrapped up in a blanket, upside down on a basement leather couch with your stained jeans ten inches from my face. wrestling is the only light in the …
April 20, 2023 / shuliterary
Foggy Hearts
By Jill Amari
I climb into the bath In the hotel room we once shared As the fog clouds the mirror and gathers on the glass door I drag my finger down, catching drops of dew The water, as usual, never gets hot …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary
By Daniel Baldini
Camino ignorante de infancia, voy recogiendo migajas de sol al pasar. Paranoia punzante, huérfanas pasiones, tal es el lugar que yo me se. Cólera inocente, cántame una canción, mientras te comes las uñas esperando la muerte. Víbora mal acostumbrada, he …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary
When a House was Still a Home
By Mackenzie Eaton
I’ve never known a house without a homeA kitchen that didn’t burn overpriced Anthropology candlesor smell of freshly cut hydrangeas in the summer.An apple pie didn’t count unless it was baked from scratch and Grandma’happy cake was a box mix but it tasted like love…
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary
By Jillian Reis
I am from a stack of books worn with time and use filled with forgotten bookmarks and memories that were never far from reality I am from a red ring constantly round the finger of a teenager trying to get …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary

The Love Song of J. Alice Prufock
By Kailey Blount
Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is much too close to night Ignore your mother’s nags and jolts Let us run, on blood-stained tippy toes The muffled whistles From men with sisters on dead-end sidestep streets …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary

“My new journey”
By Jessica Fontaine
I miss the sound Of my feet on the pavement Moving toward the sun Or trying to make it home Before the rain I miss the thing I took for granted Years and years Of hyping up My youthful body …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary

Unrooting Love
By Ayasha Cantey
The thick trunk decorated with rolls and lumps Gladly wore its scares. Confidently basking in the sun- With wrinkled and rough bark Yet, – she still stood tall. She was dressed in elegance and serenity, Accompanied by these kinky curly …
April 17, 2023 / shuliterary