
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

“Questioning Fate” – By Maddie Conklin


Do you believe in fate?
A simple yet complex question that I think we’ve all wrapped our heads around.
Sometimes it’s an easy answer, yes.
All things that happen are planned.

But then you wonder, why do these things happen?
Everything happens for a reason;
But how could there be a reason for a broken heart,
A sudden death, an unimaginable tragedy.

Is it fate that there’s war?
Is it fate that the devil sprinkles his breath on the world through daily tragedies?
All these questions come to one wonder. Do these things happen for a reason?
Will these unfortunate events lead to the fate of peace?

How about true love? Is there such a thing as love at first sight?
Is it fate to meet that person?
Is it fate to get your heart broken to pieces so that final person can piece it back together?
You have to go through the frogs to get to the prince; right?

What is fate?
Maybe our fate is the unknown,
Maybe it’s fate for us not to understand why things happen,
Maybe fate just means to live in the present.
After all, that’s all we are capable of doing.
