
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

Campus Ministry - Notre Dame Prep

Creative Nonfiction

My Transition and Transformation to High School

By Eli Ziegler

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

The transition from middle school to high school
is something that worries many pre-teens.
Trust me, it is scary, but I found my place.
I am a freshman at a high school
that is 30 minutes away from my house.
The name of the school is Notre Dame Prep.

A Name, Two Dates, and a Sentence

By Gemma Rowe

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

I gaze upon the vastness of rock, cut with clean corners in orderly rows, dotting the fields. Bright fake flowers blow in the cool wind, and a quietness has descended upon the field. This quietness has grabbed onto the rushing river of my thoughts and like a strict mother blows a “shhhhhh” over these waters, silencing them.


Shadows of Valor

By Ciara Lieby

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

The young man watched out the window scanning the landscape beyond. The rolling hills and
tall mountains stood in the distance, wide rivers flowed through the valley and through the
dense forest. He turned his head from the valleys and mountains with a sigh. He was nervous,
knowing what was to come, but no idea when it actually would. He’d been waiting for a long
time now.

Space Rescue

By Haocheng Yu

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

Several months ago, the Ares 14 manned rocket completed a 192-day journey and experienced 13 hours of radio silence. Finally, astronauts Charles Milan, Nemo Wilson, and Michael William James successfully landed in the A14 landing zone of the Utopia Planitia on Mars.


“Full Moon Fear”

By Padraig Monahan

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

In the basement, shadows loom, I wait,
Against the wall, in silence, contemplate.
The moon hides, veiled by clouds so vast,
But fortune fades, the shade won’t last.
Chained by fate for my transformation,
Lost control, brought devastation.

“Confessions of a Teenage Girl”

By Sophia Leintz

Featured in HeartLines Issue 4

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
It’s been a lifetime since my last confession.
Before you,
My knees skinned,
My tongue skinned, but unchained,
My eyes, hollow, yet holding the runes of Rome.
