
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

Tag: Hailey Pinto

  • rye bread – Julianna Rezza

    rye bread – Julianna Rezza

    art by Ayasha Cantey

  • The Farmer and the Wanderer – Darren J. Del Duca

    The Farmer and the Wanderer – Darren J. Del Duca

    I was born in a small town in the Northeast, and for the first decade of my life, I was fascinated with every new thing I saw. I had become captivated when I saw my first train or when I learned in school that there were numbers that were less than zero. Though this childlike…

  • I’m Hungry – Alyssa Ednie

    I couldn’t stop. Needed to consume every morsel. Seized fistfuls of food. Stuffed handfuls of red sauced rigatoni. Saw nothing, thought nothing, just a primal need to chew, eat everything. I couldn’t stop. I grabbed red wine. Chugged it. Half fell down my chin. Splattered across skin and clothes. I couldn’t stop. A baptism of…

  • Foggy Hearts – Jill Amari

    I climb into the bath In the hotel room we once shared As the fog clouds the mirror and gathers on the glass door I drag my finger down, catching drops of dew The water, as usual, never gets hot enough It reminds me of you— How we both wanted the water to scorch our…

  • Relatos – Daniel Baldini

    Camino ignorante de infancia, voy recogiendo migajas de sol al pasar.  Paranoia punzante, huérfanas pasiones,  tal es el lugar que yo me se. Cólera inocente, cántame una canción, mientras te comes las uñas esperando la muerte. Víbora mal acostumbrada, he visto cómo escondes los huesos bajo la cama.  Tan solo basta un curioso forastero para…

  • When a House was Still a Home – Mackenzie Eaton

    I’ve never known a house without a home A kitchen that didn’t burn overpriced Anthropology candles or smell of freshly cut hydrangeas in the summer. An apple pie didn’t count unless it was baked from scratch and Grandma’s happy cake was a box mix but it tasted like love. Sunday dinner of chicken divan and…

  • Life – Jillian Reis

    I am from a stack of books worn with time and use filled with forgotten bookmarks and memories that were never far from reality I am from a red ring constantly round the finger of a teenager trying to get by in the world which she came I am from a wooden boxfilled with sketches…

  • The Love Song of J. Alice Prufock – Kailey Blount

    The Love Song of J. Alice Prufock – Kailey Blount

    Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is much too close to night Ignore your mother’s nags and jolts Let us run, on blood-stained tippy toes The muffled whistles From men with sisters on dead-end sidestep streets And chain cheap restaurants with chicken wings Of criminal condition Oh, do not ask, “What…

  • “My new journey” – Jessica Fontaine

    “My new journey” – Jessica Fontaine

    I miss the sound Of my feet on the pavement Moving toward the sun Or trying to make it home Before the rain I miss the thing I took for granted Years and years Of hyping up My youthful body Now I should feel Like I can embark On a new journey  Because I have…

  • Unrooting Love – Ayasha Cantey

    Unrooting Love – Ayasha Cantey

    The thick trunk decorated with rolls and lumps  Gladly wore its scares. Confidently basking in the sun- With wrinkled and rough bark Yet, – she still stood tall. She was dressed in elegance and serenity, Accompanied by these kinky curly leaves. Yet, she felt outcasted – She wasn’t twig thin, She wasn’t a beautiful radiant…
