
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

Tag: Isabella Fabbo

  • Cycles- Katie Haig

    After Todd Dillard and “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost Leaves fall – the inside of an orange and red kaleidoscope. A red wagon rolls gently down a tired road. When did you get so tall? Have I grown shorter? A blue sled rests against a gray garage door. Crystalline flakes drift to join…

  • Shadows of Valor – Ciara Lieby

    The young man watched out the window scanning the landscape beyond. The rolling hills and tall mountains stood in the distance, wide rivers flowed through the valley and through the dense forest. He turned his head from the valleys and mountains with a sigh. He was nervous, knowing what was to come, but no idea…

  • “The World We Know”- By Julie Dunn

    Nothing lasts forever, this we know. Everyone in the world will find loss. Just as time is forever in existence, so is pain. Sooner or later, someone we love will go. This we knew before covid, and all the fear, Though the reality was far more bleak, Then we could have ever imagined, And we…

  • “The Tyranny of the Waters” – By Miriam Da Ponte

    “The Tyranny of the Waters” – By Miriam Da Ponte

    Lost,beneath a still fragile surface, everything became space, all passed through meand I drowned in the void of his words,pushed further and further down toward the deep dark,toward sleep, toward death. What transcends then?Then,a single beam of light only made the night more dark,and so the late hours lengthened and so the hours passed more slow,not…

  • “A Mask’s Love”- By Liliana Sosnowski

    “A Mask’s Love”- By Liliana Sosnowski

    A Mask’s Love I am a mask. A piece of cloth that has been used for decades, to prevent the spread of pathogens. From the Spanish Influenza to Covid-19, I have been a staple in protection. I only want to help. And yet there are those who throw me away. And exclaim how I harm…

  • “Healing”- Julia Prackup

    A house must be demolished for a new one to be built, A glass must be emptied to be filled again, A canvas must be painted to become art. Those who fall, get back up,Those who fail, try again,Those who lose find themselves one step closer to winning. The flowers bloom after it rains,The sun…

  • “Season of Change”- Kelly Parker

    “Season of Change”- Kelly Parker

    Leaves changed from grasshopper greens to yearning yellows and opulent oranges. I changed from a fresh sapling to a mature tree- 18 year old to 21 year old me. Summers turned into falls, And I didn’t feel it passing at all. Seasons changed and I grew. Obstacles overcome, new friendships formed, and to myself I…

  • “Pleading Poet”- Haven Hawkins

    “Pleading Poet”- Haven Hawkins

    I left the page in a hurry.  I grabbed my quill and ink darting for the nearest exit.  How could I hurt if I never reflect.  If I don’t see the ink run, there must not be a tear.  For a writer only writes in a time of despair.  A sentence to escape or understand. …

  • “Will He Giveth Thyme” – Paige Soden

    Ten Years my Senior and A man indeed. Please darling nevermore unfrown today, the lust of her touch always makes me bleed. Certes my love we shall travel to Frey! Envision skies of Lily’s You and I, Forbid baby blues allowance to stay. I won’t understand why she had to Fly. But our Dearest, I…

  • Say You Still Need Me- Ayasha Cantey

    Say You Still Need Me- Ayasha Cantey

    ​​ Sometimes I feel like you don’t tell me you f*** with me enough  ‘Cause the whole time, you were giving away what should have been my love  – H.E.R.  I was born to a woman who was more concerned about a man than her kids. At the age of 14, I was pawned off…
