
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

“This Could be a Love Song” – By Kristen Giebler

Sometimes I wonder what life would have been
If I had the chance to live
Instead of healing from the love
That I had chosen

The other choices are lost in a world
That I think about quite often

This love left nothing but silence in my heart
I can't let my pen bleed the ink of
A thousand words I once wanted to say
But now, I don't feel
There is something compelling
about leaving the dagger in the wound
that it made
because it's the only way to prevent
myself from bleeding out

The other choices are lost in a world
That I think about quite often
Too often
The portrait of your existence
Is palpable to my soul
I have tasted your bitterness
Sucked in the sides of my cheeks
Closed my eyes and lived through it

But I am still determined to savor the sweetness
of our goodness, I put myself through it
I stayed gentle
In times when the world tempted to harden me

The door to the other world
Is open, greeting me, tempting me
But I will probably never end up going