The thick trunk decorated with rolls and lumps
Gladly wore its scares.
Confidently basking in the sun-
With wrinkled and rough bark
Yet, – she still stood tall.
She was dressed in elegance and serenity,
Accompanied by these kinky curly leaves.
Yet, she felt outcasted –
She wasn’t twig thin,
She wasn’t a beautiful radiant oak,
Instead she was an adansonia.
Her hair wasn’t as long as a weeping willow
Nor were her leaves as coiled as a camphor.
But her beauty is ignored –
Overlooked and casted away.
Because she does not look like every other,
She might be young but her bark was riddled with humility.
She just wanted to be deemed as pretty
Just for a day –
Maybe even a second –
A moment of acknowledgement –
A minute of fame.
Years of resentment and embarrassment,
Slowly turns into a lifetime of confidence.
Once you realize that your beauty isn’t the result or conformity of another You notice the years of unnecessary shame you have subject your roots to-
Is no longer required.
You have come to realize that difference is key –
It’s beautiful and unique.
Individuality is so overlooked
But her roots will never again need cheering compliments
Because deep down in her roots,
She has realized her natural beauty –
She has found the key to unrooting her love,
Her self-love.