
A Sacred Heart University Student-Run Literary Magazine

“Want” – by Wren Campise

I want to want to live 

To feel the sun upon my face

And blades of grass piercing my bare feet

And countless grains of sand getting stuck between my fingers, clinging to
my skin like a mother clings to her child

To know the feeling of wind beneath my wings

To feel a laugh rumble in my belly and tickle my throat as it bubbles out of me

Like the bubbles in the soda I drink every night

To bathe in the light of the moon, its gentle glow caressing the earth like a lover in bed

To scrape my knee and feel the sting of the ointment that’s applied

To feel hot tears streak down my cheeks like stars across the sky

To hear a sigh of relief

And utter one myself

To be part of the collective

But uniquely me

To try to capture the essence of living in a few measly words, never quite enough, but the reach for it expressing it better than the words ever could

I want to want all that

I want to live

I want to be
